God Bless!!
An open forum for discussion of God, family, and personal issues that anyone may need help and/or prayer with. Please keep things clean and tactful. Realize that opinions differ and this is a place for discussion not battle. Pray!
God Bless!!
1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Many times I am asked if by avoiding certain people are we not showing a good Christian attitude. I always refer back to this scripture when in doubt of how to handle a particular person. You always have to show the love of Christ to everyone but, if there is a person that when you get around you they bring you down or lead you down a path of temptation you have to avoid them. When a drug addict gets clean, the first thing he has to do is evaluate his friends. The people that he had been around that continue to do drugs, he has to avoid. What we must understand is we are all drug addicts and sin is the drug. If there is a person that brings down your attitude, leads you into old sinful habits, or behaves in a way that does not show a Christian attitude you have to separate yourself from them. You have to share with them what is going on, but if they cannot change those habits you cannot follow along with them. This doesn't mean you mistreat them and it doesn't mean that you don't pray for them, it just means you prevent yourself from getting into a situation that can hurt your relationship with Christ. There is nothing that is more important than your relationship with Christ and anything that hurts that has to go, good or bad. When all is said and done though, pray for that person or persons.
God Bless!!
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
I have been struggling through some things as of late and have even felt as though I was failing at what God has placed in my heart. I met with someone who was sharing with me and pointed me to this verse, which was highlighted in my Bible, and it took on a new meaning for me. We normally look at this as there is no condemnation for our past sins, but how about we are not condemned when we are doing our best to walk in what God has for us but it doesn't seem to be working out the way we think it should. I don't know about you but, when these things happen I tend to beat myself up and condemn myself. If the bible says there is no condemnation to those that are walking in the spirit, where is that condemning feeling coming from? Satan, no brainer. It is just wild that sometimes we need an outside person to point us at something that we know then allow God to work. Remember when you are running after God, you are not always going to get it right; but time spent condemning yourself is time wasted which is what satan wants.
God Bless!!